Doggie Hamlet
Doggie Hamlet is an outdoor performance spectacle that weaves dance, visual and theatrical elements with aspects from competitive sheep herding trials.
Dumbo Redacted
"Dumbo Redacted" is a stage based solo work choreographed and performed by Ann Carlson.
Elizabeth, the dance
Elizabeth, the dance is a unique full-evening-length collaboration between Carlson and Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company.
The Photographic Performance Series (originally called "Night Light")
is a site specific performance whose central strategy is the re-staging of archival photographs in the tradition of tableau vivant.
Ann Carlson and kitten in “Visit Woman Move Story cat cat cat” photo by Lois Greenfield
The Animal Series
Carlson has made a number of works in collaboration with animals. These include; Animals (1988), Milk (1988), Dead (1989), West, (1996), Grass/Bird/Rodeo (2000), Madame 710 (2007), Animal Dances (2017), Doggie Hamlet (2017).
Sloss, Kerr, Rosenberg & Moore - (the lawyer piece) photo by Mary Ellen Strom
The (real) People Series
Beginning in 1886, Carlson began a series of works that are made with and performed by people gathered together by a common profession, relationship or shared passion. The first work of this series was "Sloss, Kerr, Rosenberg & Moore" a work performed by four NYC based practicing attorneys. John Sloss, Charles Kerr, Scott Rosenberg and Tom Moore performed this work originally at Performance Space 122. They continued to perform this work intermittently for twenty five years. Carlson has made work in collaboration with a wide variety of people, among them; nuns, basketball players, security officers, maintenance workers, development directors, pediatricians, gardeners, anglers, poker players, boards of directors.